Encouragement for Leaders

By: Xh. Sean Yang

Bible Passage: Ephesians 4:11–13

11 So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, 12 to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up 13 until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.


When we look at the word leadership. Leadership is everywhere in our world, and for the most part there are good leaders, bad leaders, wise leaders and foolish ones. For the most part some leaders may be able to impact as many people as an entire nation, while other leaders may only be able to influence one or two people. It is important we understand the impact that we can make in the lives of others no matter where we are in life.

Most Christians will be put in positions of leadership within their lifetime. As leaders, we are called to care about those around us and to serve them with Godly leadership. Our leadership should be about more than our power, influence or individual purpose. Rather, our leadership should show Christ’s love to others and be filled with his purpose and intent.


Last week I had the honor of attending Standing Stones Camp down in Jackson, Tennessee. All over the nation, 491 Youths, Young Adults, Chaperones and Staff came together to worship and glorify God Almighty. There at camp, many Christian believers from all walks of life showed each other the capacity of leadership and serving this bible verse proclaims.

Whether you were a pastor or pastor’s wife praying for the camp. A group leader leading the attendees in morning devotion and games. A Chaperone caring for their campers and making sure they ate food and woke up in time for workshops. A medic who cared for the injured and prevented further harm. A workshop teacher, who prepared their classes and made sure those learning were presented the Gospel. Or whether you were a Standing Stones staff making sure the camp ran smoothly and staying up all night to make sure campers are okay. The incredible glory of God and his order was displayed through the leadership and acts of service done by the individuals attending Standing Stones. This showed the building up of the body of Christ and the hope is that everyone continues to glorify God back home.


Leading with purpose requires more than just our own individual strengths. It requires us to rely on God and to look into scriptures, where He has shown us examples of Godly leadership. Each day we get to choose what type of leader we want to be. We are equipped with the tools we need to make wise choices as we develop as long-term leaders. What kind of leader will you be?

“Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.” – Psalm 119:105


Lord, thank you for allowing people to pour into people through their actions and love. We praise you and bring glory only to you through our acts of service and willingness to help and love others. Let it be that all praises be for you and that we seek strength that only comes from you. Thank you, Lord, and may we continue to serve wholeheartedly and push to better the body of Christ.