Barnabas the Encourager

By Pastor Vam Foung Vang

Was there ever a time someone who just was on your side when you messed up and it seemed that everyone was disappointed at you? They didn’t seem to care that you messed up big time; at church, at work, at home, or just in life.

I can really use such a brother or sister in my life. Barnabas was someone like that.
In Acts 11, Barnabas was a glass half full kind of guy, and he encouraged this little new church at Antioch and even made it his home church.

Acts 11: 22-24

22 News of this reached the church in Jerusalem, and they sent Barnabas to Antioch. 23 When he arrived and saw what the grace of God had done, he was glad and encouraged them all to remain true to the Lord with all their hearts. 24 He was a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and faith, and a great number of people were brought to the Lord.

I have been in larger churches where everyone is busy and excited, and I have been to smaller churches where the leaders are just defeated and ready to throw in the towel. Barnabas not only speak words of encouragement to this new little church in Antioch, but he rolls up his sleeves and gets his hands dirty. Not only that but he went and found Saul to come and help him with this church out in the Christian frontier. He did not give up on Saul, who was a known persecutor of Christians, but they both taught and evangelize and brought many to Christ.

Barnabas is the ultimate encourager; always seeing the best and potential in everyone. Even when his buddy Paul, who was Saul, did not trust John Mark; Barnabas didn’t give up on John. I probably agree with Paul’s rational about John Mark abandoning them again, but in Acts 15 Barnabas did not give up on John and later Paul recognized John Marks work for the Kingdom of God. Even though Barnabas was not the 11 apostles or Paul, he is someone I would like in my corner. He is someone I wish to be like as a worker in the Kingdom – The Encourager, who will drive with me on that 8-hour drive to give a sermon at a little church with no pastor or spend a week teaching the youths. God bless these encouragers.

Have you caught yourself complaining about another brother who just rubbed you the wrong way?

Pray for him and call him to see how he is doing. Pray for God to help us to develop the spiritual fruit of encouragement and encourage one another who is struggling in their faith or their turbulent church.