Wise Leadership

By Pastor Vam Foung Vang

Exodus 18:24-25
24 Moses listened to his father-in-law and did everything he said. 25 He chose capable men from all Israel and made them leaders of the people, officials over thousands, hundreds, fifties and tens. 

Moses’ father-in-law Jethro, came to visit and watched Moses holding court with thousands of people from morning to evening, needing Moses’ decision. Jethro saw the unending wave of human complaints and issues; he advised Moses to delegate to the thousands of capable men. This will allow Moses to focus on his calling, which is to communicate with God and the Israelites.

To us this might seem like obvious operation and structuring of any large group, but there will be some who have a hard time trusting other leaders. The same can be said of some of our churches and many others. When we don’t share the responsibility, the stress can shorten our service to God and burn us out. People say more heads are better than one, and we can turn a bad mission trip into a success because their specialty and experience were pooled together.

The biggest benefit from delegating is allowing other talented and passionate believers the opportunity to be mentored and disciplined; continue to building the Kingdom of God into the future. This will keep the ministry fresh with passionate young people who can contextualize God’s word to different people and age groups. The future leadership will require current leaders to be faithful stewards and invest their time and budget to train and mentor those that God has brought to us.

Does your church have an active training program with students?
Is there someone you can train to replace your ministry position?