
By: Xh. Sean Yang

Bible Passage:

Philippians 1:9-10

9 And it is my prayer that your love may abound more and more, with knowledge and all discernment, 10 so that you may approve what is excellent, and so be pure and blameless for the day of Christ,


The Apostle Paul expressed his love for the Philippians, he shared his prayer for their pursuit of Christian growth. Back in verse 7 he had described their love and he prayed for it to abound. You see, love is a primary characteristic of being Christlike. But we see that love is more than emotions. Love can increase in knowledge and depth. Knowledge is spiritual wisdom found in Scripture. Insight is the application of spiritual wisdom that’s applied to practical living. A Christian’s love must be rooted in wisdom from God’s Word if we are to love both God and mankind in greater ways.

Next we see Paul prays for discernment of what is best. This is the result of growth in godly knowledge and insight. When it comes to discernment, it shows us the ability to discriminate, to examine or test things that are different. As we mature as Christians, our abilities to make choices should improve. We are to base our decisions on Scripture so that the best way is selected through the lens of Christ. The best way is both moral and ethical before God.

When this pattern is observed, our lives are pure and blameless. These words do not mean perfection or sinlessness, but they refer to our motives and intentions. The Apostle Paul prays that these Christians would develop a genuine lifestyle, without hypocrisy, before God and men. If we look back at verse 7, the day of Christ refers to the time when Christ will come for all true believers, his church. Since we do not know when this time might come, it’s important for living a pure and blameless lifestyle, so that we are unashamed before Christ if he comes at a time when we least expect him. We are to be ready at all times to face him.


As we begin the New Year of 2025, let us all look at and reflect on this passage and consider what Apostle Paul wrote. Loving others with all intent overcomes all prejudices and presumptions of those around you. It is through this lens that allows a Christian’s understanding and knowledge to grow through God’s word and through the Holy Spirit. It is when we love wholeheartedly that Godly knowledge and wisdom helps with our discernment, and through this growth in discernment we’re able to apply these things in our lives. To see what our Heaven Father wants for us, as we look through his lens.


Heavenly Father,

We ask for increased spiritual discernment and understanding when it comes to our life’s work. We know that there is wisdom in relying on your Spirit and not just in the ways we think. Open the eyes of our hearts to see the truth from your perspective alone. Teach us to tune out the voices of the world, and let us hear your gentle whisper. Work in us with a conviction that leads us through the Holy Spirit. Let His scriptures guide us into all truth. Free us from preconceived notions that distort our spiritual discernment. Fill us with wisdom only found in your presence, Lord. In Jesus’ name, Amen!