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Category: Event
HBNA Women’s Ministry
Nyob zoo rau peb cov ntseeg txhua tus, Nov yog daim ntawv qhia, thiab caw txhua tus niam Xh, niamtsev, cov hluas txhua tus tuaj koom. Ob xyoo peb mam ua ib zaug xwb. Npajsiab tuaj peb sib ntsib nawb. Thov muab share rau nej cov niamtsev thiab pawgntseeg kom txhua tus paub txog. Mus…
HBNA National Annual Meeting Conference
September 27-30, 2023 Pastoral, Men’s, Women’s, and Youth Conference will take place Wed., Sept. 27th in the evening, 4pm into Thurs. Sept. 28th. See Ministry Flyers for details on their conferences. HBNA Business meeting will take place on Friday, Sept. 29th into Saturday, Sept. 30th. Ministry and Financial Reports on furthering the Kingdom of God.…
Standing Stones Camp 2023
At Standing Stones Camp, we’re all about learning, growing, connecting, and equipping our young campers to fulfill and serve God’s kingdom—all while having fun! At camp you can anticipate Christ-centered worship, small groups, sermons/services, workshops/tracks, and activities! For more information, visit our website at or our FAQ Document.
Home Missions Giving
The month of April and October, we will be doing an offering for “HOME MISSIONS GIVING” as we had proposed at the annual meeting at First Hmong Baptist Church in Denver, Colorado last year. This offering giving, we do 2 times a year. Pray Pray regularly for your Hmong Baptist National Associations missionariesin your state…
Cooperative Giving
The CP-Cooperative Giving is the regular giving to operate the Administration. If you have any question please let us know.
Living Water Conference 2023
“But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.” 1 Peter 2:9 He calls us “a chosen people”, for He has chosen to love us and redeem us by grace. He…